Discard/Cancel a General Accounting Expenditure (GAX)

Home > Accounts Payable > Job Aids > Discard/Cancel a General Accounting Expenditure (GAX)


This job aid describes steps to discard/cancel an approved General Accounting Expenditure (GAX).

You can only discard/cancel a GAX transaction if it has not been disbursed. 

A GAX can be reviewed to determine if it has been disbursed by opening the three-dot menu clicking on 'Transaction References' and viewing the 'Forward References' in the Forward Reference Query. If an AD or EFT transaction is displayed, the GAX has been disbursed. See the example below. If you need to address a disbursed GAX, note each circumstance is unique. Please get in touch with the CORE Help Desk for Assistance.

Forward Reference Query screen

To discard/cancel a General Accounting Expenditure (GAX) transaction that has not been disbursed, you will want to follow the steps below:

1. Enter GAX in the Global Navigation Search field and click Search icon.

GAX entered in search field

2. Enter the Department code in the Transaction Dept field.

3. Enter the Transaction ID in the Transaction ID field.

4. Select Search.

Search screen with transaction id, transaction dept, and search highlighted

5. Locate the appropriate GAX transaction

Results table for GAX search

6. Click the three-dot menu to the right of the appropriate selected transaction in the grid. Three dot menu > Primary Actions > Discard/Cancel. A dialog box will open to verify your intention to Discard/Cancel this transaction.

7. Select Yes 

Menu expanded on GAX result
Discard/Cancel confirmation with Yes option highlighted

8. This will create a Cancellation Version of this GAX transaction. Verify by clicking the transaction next to 'Draft' and the Function and Status will pop up as illustrated below. Please note, this creates a new version of this GAX transaction. In this case, it is Version 2. 

General Account Expense screen with Header tab open and modal displayed

9. Add any necessary transaction comments and/or adjust the Transaction Name and Transaction Description as needed or required. Validate the transaction. Message should read 'Transaction validated successfully.

Generational Accounting Expense screen with info panel shown and transaction values highlighted

10. Submit the GAX Cancellation version for approval. Please note: This cancellation version must be processed to FINAL before the nightly cycle so the current finalized GAX transaction does not generate a payment.

General Accounting Expense screen with Header tab open and submit button highlighted

11. The banner will now state 'Transaction submitted successfully'. Communicate with the approver(s) that this Cancellation version is ready for review and approval. 

Transaction info alert

12. Verify the Cancellation version is Final to complete this process.

General Accounting Expense screen with header tab open and "final" menu expanded