Creating a General Accounting
Expenditure (GAX) Transaction

Home > Accounts Payable > Job Aid  > Creating a GAX Transaction

This job aid is for creating a General Accounting Expenditure (GAX) transaction.

1. Navigate to the Transaction Catalog

Global Search bar and Home icon
Transaction Catalog

2. Create a new GAX transaction

Financial Transaction Inputs
Auto Numbering Check box

3. Enter the following information in the Header tab

A blank GAX transaction screen will open. The GAX ID number, created via the auto-numbering process, is located at the top of the GAX.  Each GAX transaction contains five “information tabs.” These “tabs” are titled Header, Vendor, Accounting, Posting and Summary.  As shown below, new GAX transactions open in the Header tab.  This tab contains a General Information section where you can enter:

NOTE:  There shouldn't be any other information entered on the Header tab outside of the General Information subsection.

GAX Header tab

4. Enter Payment Data into a GAX

In creating a GAX, you will want to enter information that is appropriate to your payment.  The data here is presented solely as an example. 

General Accounting Expense screen with vendor customer and address code highlighted

NOTE:  If there are multiple invoices or you need to split out multiple lines on the same invoice, use multiple accounting lines with the appropriate vendor invoice number and incremented vendor invoice line number.

GAX Disbursement Options tab

5. Populate the Accounting line

GAX Accounting tab
General Accounting Expense screen with vendor input fields highlighted

On the Chart of Accounts (COA), enter

6. Validate the transaction

GAX Validate