Creating a CEC Transaction to Decrease
the Closed Amount of an Award

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This job aid will take you through the process of creating a CEC transaction to Decrease the Closed Amount and Increase the Open Amount of an award (PO/CT) transaction without impacting the total awarded amount. This is primarily used to correct 2-way-match awards where payment was incorrectly made on the award. Special case-by-case handling is needed for awards with 3-way-match or retainage, please contact CORE Help Desk for assistance.

To ensure that the Invoice and Payment Requests sections match each other in the MATA table and future payments can be processed, an Inverse IN should be processed before the creation of the CEC transaction.

Note: The IN and CEC transactions should be finalized on the same day to avoid PRN being created from the IN. 

Enter INSRCH in the Global Search Bar to create IN.

2. Enter the appropriate award information i.e.: Transaction Code, Transaction Dept, and Transaction ID

Award details

3.    Click Apply. The transaction should appear in the grid.

Grid shows transaction after clicking Apply.

4. Click the 3 Dot Menu on the right side of the award line > Related Pages > Select Lines to Invoice

Access invoice lines via 3 Dot Menu on award line's right > Related Pages > Select Lines to Invoice

5. Check the box next to the line that should be adjusted and click Invoice in the upper right-hand corner.

Select the appropriate line and click "Invoice" in the upper right corner.

6.  Invoice Target Transaction page appears. Enter Transaction Department, Unit (if applicable), and check Auto Numbering then click continue.

7. On the IN transaction page, enter the Vendor Invoice Number (for example if this amount was paid by GAX then the GAX Transaction ID could be referenced here), enter Invoice Date if different from the auto populated current date, and make any changes to the Transaction Name and/or Transaction Description as needed.

Input Vendor Invoice Number, Invoice Date, and adjust Transaction Name/Description on IN page.

8. On the Vendor Tab General Information section, click on the spy glass icon in the Address Code field to search for the appropriate Vendor address code to populate and click OK on the correct selection.

In Vendor Tab General Info, click spy glass in Address Code field to search for Vendor address code, choose the right one, and click Ok.

9.  In the Disbursement section, enter the Handling Code, Disbursement Category, and the Disbursement Format should be WARR

Enter Handling Code, Disbursement Category, and set Disbursement Format to WARR in Disbursement section.

10. Move to the Commodity Tab. Enter the amount of the adjustment needed. In this example, we are going to decrease the amount that was paid on this award in error by entering -5000 in the Invoiced Service Contract Amount field. Ensure the Reference Type is Inverse for this negative amount.

Access the Commodity Tab, input -5000 in the Invoiced Service Contract Amount field to decrease the payment made in error. Set Reference Type as Inverse.

11. Click Validate. The SC amount is negative. Overridable (A646) Warning is populated. Submit. 

Validate: SC amount negative. Overridable (A646) Warning shown. Proceed with Submit.


12.  Open the IN transaction and click on the 3 Dot menu in the upper right hand corner. Select Copy Forward.

Open the IN transaction, click the 3 Dot menu in the top right corner, and then select Copy Forward.

13. Select CEC as the Target Transaction Type.

Target Transaction Type set to CEC.

14. In the Target Transaction Section of this same page near the bottom, enter the Transaction Department, Transaction Unit (if applicable), and check the Auto Numbering box. Click OK in the upper right hand corner.

Enter Transaction Department, Unit (if applicable), and check Auto Numbering box in Target Transaction Section. Click OK in upper right corner.

15. In the CEC Transaction, click Validate. The transaction should validate successfully. Submit and ensure processing to Final.

16. Verify in MATA Table or Award on the Open/Closed Amount to ensure processing successfully updated the amounts.

Successful update verification for MATA Table or Award on Open/Closed Amount.