Create Vendor Invoice (IN)
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This job aid describes the process for creating an Invoice (IN) transaction in CORE.
To create an Invoice (IN) transaction in CORE, follow the steps below:
1. Navigate to the Invoicing Search (INSRCH) page
Using the Global Navigation Search bar enter INSRCH
2. Navigate to the Award transaction (a procurement transaction) that will be invoiced, within INSRCH.
On the Invoicing Search page, enter values for your search (criteria below is for example, only)
Transaction Code: enter any procurement award transaction (such as: PO,
CT, DO, CTGG1, POGG1, etc.)Transaction Dept: DAAA
Transaction ID: * (Use wild card * if exact value is
not known (this should be the procurement award number that is referenced on the invoice received from the vendor).Select Apply
Select the Transaction ID to be invoiced by clicking to the left of the appropriate transaction line.
On the Invoicing Search Page, there are several options to choose the lines to Invoice.
Click the Invoice All Lines checkbox if want to pay all lines available to invoice.
Click the checkbox next to the appropriate line or lines available to invoice.
Use the Filter section for awards with a large number of commodity lines to see only those lines for Invoicing and mark the checkbox for each line or lines to Invoice.
After you select your option, click on Invoice in the upper right corner.
3. Populate the transaction key information within the Create Transaction page
On the Create Transaction page enter transaction identification information.
a. Enter Transaction Dept Code
b. Click the checkbox next to Auto Numbering to generate a sequentially numbered Doc ID
c. Select Continue button in top left corner. You will now be taken into the IN transaction.
4. Populate the IN Header section
On the IN transaction page, click on the Header tab
a. Enter free form Description
b. Verify/enter the inferred Invoice Date as the date on the actual invoice received from the vendor
c. Populate the Vendor Invoice Number with the actual number of the vendor’s invoice. Note: this number must be unique within CORE.
d. Verify Vendor is correctly inferred.
5. Populate the IN Vendor section
On the Vendor tab,
Click on the drop-down arrow on the left to expand for vendor tabs
Click the Disbursement Information subsection tab. The criteria below is solely used for this example. Fill in fields with data that aligns to your transaction
Enter the Disbursement Format (if warrant must be produced use WARR otherwise leave blank and allow default from vendor table)
Enter the Disbursement Category field: DXSP
Enter the Handling Code: M1
NOTE: Best practice is to complete General Info tab first, then Disbursement info and then Discount, if applicable.
Validate to populate Vendor
Enter address code
Enter condition: choose whichever condition is applicable to the situation
Reason required i.e., partial, etc.
6. Populate the IN Commodity tab
Click the Commodity tab
On the blue Commodity line, verify inferred Commodity, and Commodity Description
Enter Invoiced Quantity and Unit Price or Contract Amount
Expand blue Commodity Line (select carat next to Commodity Line field
Select Reference subsection tab
Select appropriate Reference Type
On the Commodity Information tab,
Enter Vendor Invoice Line
Populate the Check Description field if there is information to be carried to the disbursement
Enter Condition and Reason
Press Validate. If there are errors, address them individually.
Press Submit once errors have been eliminated.