Create Vendor Invoice (IN)

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This job aid describes the process for creating an Invoice (IN) transaction in CORE.

To create an Invoice (IN) transaction in CORE, follow the steps below:

1. Navigate to the Invoicing Search (INSRCH) page

Global Search bar

2. Navigate to the Award transaction (a procurement transaction) that will be invoiced, within INSRCH. 

Invoicing Search
Select the PO
Check the Invoice All Lines box to pay all available invoice lines.
highlight invoicing search selecting some lines to be invoiced.
highlight invoicing search, filtering on commodity codes and selecting lines to invoice
After selecting your option, click "Invoice" in the upper right corner for further processing.

3. Populate the transaction key information within the Create Transaction page

Create Transaction

4. Populate the IN Header section

IN Header Section Inputs

5. Populate the IN Vendor section

NOTE:  Best practice is to complete General Info tab first, then Disbursement info and then Discount, if applicable.

IN Vendor Section Inputs
Populate Vendor

6. Populate the IN Commodity tab

IN Commodity Tab Inputs
Commodity Information Tab
Validate & Submit